I am proud to be a volunteer in the First Aid team of HCA which has always made precious empowerment and support of volunteers. Developing self-confidence is one of the most important things I had, which always helps me to feel that I can give and provide happiness to others.
Rami Daoud

My experience at the Human Call Association was remarkable. It added a different flavor to my journey; providing me an environment to learn from different backgrounds and perspectives.
Sara Al Sheikh

The project delivered hope for us before giving birth. It was like a pain reliever. Before I knew about this project, I felt there was something heavy on my heart. I used to think all day about the expenses (such as hospital fees, milk, diapers etc…), but when I heard about this project from the HCA administration, I thanked God and felt this heavy pain was reduced. My twins were born with complications and need advanced and special treatment, thus it should be transformed to other hospitals. But, none of the hospitals welcomed us until we paid the medical expenses, which was very high for us. I was forced to sell my phone. HOPE was the hero of the story, the expanses at Al Nidaa hospital were covered by this project. On the other hand the administration was helpful, otherwise the girls may lose their lives. This Project gave us new hope, HCA improved to us that really the world is still fine, since there still people give their hands to those who are in need.

My Participation in Our Future Leaders Project increases my knowledge, strength and self-esteem in solving problems, negotiations & managing projects. Moreover, I have become excellent in the art of communication, take important decisions and become able to face any obstacles. Now, I know how to demand my rights legally.
In the end, I would like to thank HCA for applying this project in the north since we are, as the youth of northern camps, persecuted and deprived for such projects by international and local associations. HCA gives us the opportunity to raise our voice and say we are here…. we are leaders….
Manar Lobani